Starting Friday, April 10th, on Canvas, classes will be posted within Canvas with additional enrichment material. All material completed by students will not be graded, and are non-mandatory. Any work students want to make up outside of tests, students can redo and email me to make up points. The work posted will just be to continue learning history.
Username: [email protected] Password: Date of Birth MMDDYYYY example: 01012020
Currently all work for history is not mandatory. If students wish to continue learning on their own, history resources can be found on the School district website. Attached is the link to the resources. Students can log into Canvas, using their Microsoft login information.
Username: [email protected] Password: Date of Birth MMDDYYYY example: 01012020 If any student has make up work they would like to complete, using Jupiter ed to find out the page numbers, students can complete any missing work on pages without stamps, and email me the completed work at [email protected] I will update grades for the missing assignments Monday of every week. Eventually I will have resources posted here, or on the district resources with content specific to the class. |
AuthorMr. Salazar Categories |